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Petra Vitez

Budapest Panorama + map

Cultural programs and where to find them

Budapest Panorama was a free, trimestrial publication, available in 50-70 000 copies per season, published by Turizmus Kft. I created a new, fresh layout for it in 2011. 

The map was an additional issue, designed and published in 2013. 

Budapest Panorama being an iteractive pamphlet, our target group were smartphone using, 25-45 years old people, tourists and locals as well, interested in cultural programs and sights in Budapest. 

Both publications’ small size, minimalistic but colorful design made it appealing. 


Turizmus Kft. 


  • Logo design (Budapest Panorama map)
  • Layout design (Budapest Panorama and Budapest Panorama map)
  • DTP (Budapest Panorama and Budapest Panorama map)

